
Common Causes of Brain Injuries

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

Personal Injury
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex injury, and each patient will have a different experience. Depending on which part of the brain is damaged, victims may experience impairments with cognitive processing, communication, problem-solving, coordination, balance, behavioral control, and more. These impairments may be temporary or permanent, and many TBI victims require rehabilitative therapy to return to their usual lives when possible. TBIs can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe. Even a mild brain injury - commonly called a concussion - requires medical attention and can affect a victim’s life. Severe TBIs can leave victims in a coma and cause permanent disabilities. No matter what degree of brain injury you sustain, it’s important to know when you have the right to seek compensation for your medical bills and…
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6 Things You Need to Do After a Car Accident

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It may not be pleasant to think about, but most of us will be involved in some kind of car accident during our lives. Out of the nearly 6 million car crashes each year in the U.S., approximately one-third of them result in injury to the driver or passengers. And even when these injuries are not life-threatening, car crashes can be significantly traumatic, physically and psychologically. In the moments following a collision, it can be hard to stay calm and think clearly, but this is a critical window; doing the right things in these moments can set you up for a much better recovery. If you are involved in a car accident and wish to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your interests as well as possible, there are several…
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