
What to Do if a Drunk Driver Hits You

What to Do if a Drunk Driver Hits You

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It is important to recognize when a driver might be intoxicated and stay away from the driver on the road to protect yourself. However, some drunk driving accidents cannot be avoided, and you should always know what to do in the event you get hit by a driver who seems to be impaired. Call 911 Calling the authorities is critical after a drunk driving accident for several reasons. First, you will get immediate medical attention at the scene of the crash. Next, it is important for police officers to identify when a driver who caused an accident has been drinking. If the officer has probable cause to believe the driver is in violation of the law, they can place the driver under arrest, and the driver might face criminal charges,…
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Keep Yourself Safe During the Holidays

Keep Yourself Safe During the Holidays

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As the end of the year quickly approaches, most of us are thinking about our busy holiday schedules, travel and family gatherings, buying gifts, baking cookies, and more. In this busy time of the year, it is easy to let your guard down when it comes to safety. The following are some risks of the holidays and how to stay safe whenever possible. Traffic Crashes There are more drunk drivers on the road during the holidays, and the most important thing is to ensure that you never drive while impaired. Watch out for drivers who are driving erratically or showing other signs of intoxication, and give them plenty of space on the road. Call the authorities to report the driver if needed. If you are planning a road trip, make…
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Braking Systems Might Not Detect Pedestrians

Braking Systems Might Not Detect Pedestrians

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Many people purchase vehicles based on the safety features provided by the manufacturer. A common safety feature in recent years is automatic braking systems that are supposed to hit the brakes on your vehicle when it approaches an obstacle. One important purpose of this technology is to prevent pedestrian accidents. However, AAA recently conducted research on four different 2019 vehicle models sold by Tesla, Chevrolet, Toyota, and Honda. The research involved a dummy walking in front of a moving car and seeing whether the automatic sensory and braking systems would safely stop the car before hitting the dummy. The results indicate that you cannot always trust braking systems to protect pedestrians from collisions. Specifically, the braking system tended to fail under the following circumstances: At night When pedestrians were of…
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Your Rights after a Multiple-Vehicle Crash

Your Rights after a Multiple-Vehicle Crash

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In August 2019, a multi-vehicle crash closed U.S. Highway 101 in San Jose. The crash involved a 2011 BMW, a 2015 Ford, a 2017 Subaru, a 2017 Toyota, and a 2019 Toyota. While reports did not state exactly how the crash occurred, they did indicate that one man did not survive, and two men needed to be transported to the emergency room by ambulance due to their injuries. The unfortunate reality is that crashes involving numerous vehicles happen on a regular basis in California and across the United States. Injury claims following such crashes can often be more complicated than claims resulting from a two-vehicle collision. This is often because determining liability for the crash can be significantly more challenging. An Example To illustrate liability issues in a multi-car crash,…
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Where Can Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

Where Can Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

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Everyone has slipped on something in their lives, and sometimes, people can slip or trip over nothing at all. However, many slip and fall accidents happen because a business or property owner allowed a dangerous hazard to exist, which led a customer or visitor to suffer injuries in an accident. Liability for a slip and fall accident depends on what caused the accident and where the accident occurred. The following are some common locations for slip and fall accidents. Grocery Stores - Grocery stores are a hotbed for slip-and-fall risks. With many types of food and beverages in nearly every aisle, there are many opportunities for something to spill and cause the floor to be slippery. Even if the grocery store cleans up a spill, they may fail to warn…
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Did a Stoned Driver Cause Your Injuries?

Did a Stoned Driver Cause Your Injuries?

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More and more states, including California, are legalizing the possession and use of recreational cannabis. Many cannabis products contain THC, which is a psychoactive component that makes users feel “high” or “stoned.” For this reason, marijuana can impair a person’s ability to drive, just like alcohol or other drugs. As it becomes easier to purchase legal marijuana, there is the risk that more and more drivers are operating their vehicles while they are stoned. This is a criminal offense just like drunk driving because of the serious risks of accidents and injuries caused by stoned drivers. Holding a Stoned Driver Liable After a car accident, you and the other drivers involved should pull over to exchange information. If you notice that the driver may be under the influence of marijuana…
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Civil Rights Violations FAQ

Civil Rights Violations FAQ

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Federal and state law provide many rights for people in the United States. Unfortunately, many authorities and other parties engage in conduct that violates your rights and causes you harm. If you believe someone violated your rights, you should consult with a civil rights violations lawyer in Campbell as soon as possible. Here are some common questions about civil rights violations that you may have. What are some common civil rights violations? You have many civil rights that can be violated, including the right to free speech, the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure, and many more. Some types of conduct that commonly violate the civil rights of citizens include: The warrantless search of your property A warrantless arrest without another justification Police brutality and the use…
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Personal Injury FAQ

Personal Injury FAQ

Personal Injury
After an accidental injury, many people naturally have many questions about their rights, the legal process, and what to do next. The following are some frequently asked questions by personal injury victims and to discuss your specific circumstances, call a personal injury lawyer in Campbell right away. When can someone else be responsible for my injuries? When another party acts negligently or intentionally wrongfully, they can be held liable for all the harm they cause, and companies can also be responsible for the negligent acts of their employees. Liable parties can include, among others: Drivers Store or business owners Doctors and medical professionals Manufacturers Construction companies Schools Government agencies Dog owners What types of accidents can lead to personal injury claims? Personal injury claims can arise from a wide variety…
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Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise in the United States

Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise in the United States

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The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) recently released a report showing that pedestrian deaths due to traffic accidents are the highest they have been in almost 30 years. Projected numbers indicate that about 6,227 pedestrians died in 2018, which is a 51.5 percent increase from 2009 and the highest number since 1990. Pedestrians now account for about 16 percent of traffic-related fatalities.  An experienced pedestrian accident attorney can help get you maximum compensation for your injuries and hold drivers liable. Why have pedestrians suffered so many life-threatening injuries recently? While there are no definitive answers, the GHSA report surmises two reasons: SUVs and smartphones. SUVs - While more people are walking, more sport utility vehicles (SUVs) are also seen on the roads. There are also more and more SUVs involved…
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Losses Involved in Slip and Fall Claims

Losses Involved in Slip and Fall Claims

Personal Injury
Often, if you slip and fall, you may have some bruises, but you walk away relatively unscathed. In other situations, however, slip and fall accidents can result in shockingly serious injuries. Such injuries may include head trauma, brain injuries, spinal injuries, fractured bones (especially fractured hips), soft tissue injuries, and more. The losses resulting from a serious injury can be extensive, so you should discuss a possible claim with a slip and fall lawyer in Campbell, California. Common Losses When you have a serious injury, you may need extensive medical care. You might also be unable to work for an extended period of time, have to sit out of your favorite activities, and experience psychological effects, as well. For all these reasons, common losses of slip and fall victims include:…
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